HSE announces free prescription and emergency contraception for 17 to 25 year old women

The free contraception service will cover the full cost of prescription contraception, including the cost of:

·       GP or doctor’s appointments - to talk about contraception options and for repeat prescriptions when needed

·       any prescriptions given by your doctor - these will be given free of charge at participating pharmacies

·       your choice of contraception - from a wide range of short-term and long-term contraceptives such as the patch, pill, ring, implant, injection and IUDs

·       fittings and removals of implants and IUDs or IUSs (coils) 

·       any check-ups or other follow up care needed, relating to your implant or coil

·       emergency contraception (morning after pill).

To access the service you will need to give a participating GP your PPS number, your date of birth, name and address.

Emergency contraception can be provided by participating pharmacies directly, without the need for a GP visit. You will need to give a participating pharmacy your PPS number, date of birth, name and address.

On Line Payments

We now have online payment system. You will receive a text message from the surgery where you can clink on the link, this will bring you to your account. Enter your card details and email address to receive receipt immediately.

COVID 19 - Surgery Arrangements

Provided you have NO COVID related symptoms a face to face consult can be organised .

Patients may choose a telephone consult or in person consultation, please note the same consultation fee applies.

Vaccinations , Blood tests and Antenatal care continue as normal

Please email : when requesting repeat medications or recurrent illness certificates giving dates , medication list and pharmacy details and we will issue same within 48 hours

 SMS Consent

By submitting this form, you are giving your consent for the practice to contact you by text message (SMS) regarding appointment reminders, test results and practice updates. We may also send you a text to advise that you need to contact the practice.

 The SMS service should not be solely relied upon, as the responsibility of attending and cancelling appointments still rests with you.

​Practice text messages are generated using a secure facility but they are transmitted over a public network on to a personal telephone and as such may not be secure.

​You may withdraw consent to receive SMS messages at any time. If you no longer wish to receive these reminders please notify reception in writing (by email or letter).